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Your support enables us to continue working with talented youth and bring out the voices of the talented youth.
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We accept any form of payment that can be transfered into PayPal. Thank you for your time and effort.
We thank and deeply appreciate your support for BLAM! Jr. However, BLAM! Jr. requires money to maintain and update. We humbly ask you to make a donation of any amount to help our young, aspiring, and talented individuals. We depend on generous individuals like you to ensure the survival of BLAM! Jr. You may choose to donate in the form of T-Shirts, hard copy magazines, or just straight up donating! You may also decide to pay a monthly subscription, or a one time donation. You can also decide what your donation goes towards, such as printing more copies of the magazine, or imporving this website. Whatever you choose, we thank you for supporting and joining the BLAM! Jr. family.